gold ware meaning in Chinese
- Featuring over 500 items of jade carvings and gold wares from the neolithic period to the qing dynasty , the exhibition shows the moral virtues of ancient china and influences of the various ethnic groups and cultures from further west
逾500件自新石器时代至清代的玉器和金饰,反映中国古代文化的祭祀风俗及礼制,以及汉族与其他民族和异域文化的交流和影响。 - This exhibition features about 240 items including personal accessories , vessels and horse harness ornaments . they illustrate the artistic styles and techniques of gold wares in different periods of history , and often show influences of the various ethnic groups and cultures from further west
是次展出约240件金器,以佩饰为主,也有器皿和马具,琳琅满目,揭示历代金饰的装饰技巧和艺术风格,其中反映汉族与其他民族和异域文化的交流和影响。 - This exhibition features about 240 items including personal accessories , vessels and horse harness ornaments . they illustrate the artistic styles and techniques of gold wares in different periods of history , and often show influences of the various ethnic groups and cultures from further west